September 17, 2008

I am 1 and a half !!!

Hi everyone!

I'm now 1 and a half yrs old! Mummy and Daddy say that I've grown so much. I love to look at myself in the mirror and I think I've grown too and that I'm very pretty! Mummy and Daddy laugh at me when I do this. Here is a photo of my favourite character, ELMO! I watch him on tv on Sesame Street and I love to take him to bed with me too. Some of my other favourite shows are Play School, In the Night Garden (Mummy and Daddy don't like that one very much but I do), and watching shows with animals on them. My favourite animal is a puppy! I would love to have a puppy one day.

I also love to draw and colour in. Mummy puts my pictures on the fridge and Daddy looks at them when he comes home.

My Aunty Katie came to visit me. She taught me the sound a snake makes....'ssss'. I also can say 'moo', 'puppy', 'woof woof', 'baa baa', 'neigh', 'apple', 'turtle', 'pear', 'nanaa' (banana), 'chair', 'ball', 'amen' and more. Daddy says I'm saying things alot clearer now. I love to talk!

I'm very good at climbing and here I am sitting on the big chair on the deck my Daddy built. I love going outside. I get upset when Mummy doesn't let me out there. She says I'd go out there all day if she let me. I love to play in the dirt and rocks. They taste good too!

For Fathers Day I let Daddy sleep in, gave him some presents and cooked him breakfast. He thought I was very clever. I love my Daddy! I love Mummy too. We sing a song where Mummy sings "I love you, i love you. I do. I do." And I sing back "I do". Daddy sings it too. Mummy says Nana used to sing that to her when she was little.

Uncle Ben and Aunty Christelle came to visit us. They brought me a new hat! Do you like it!?

Aunty Treenie came to our house that week end too. She's a funny lady!

Mummy's tummy is getting bigger all the time. I always touch it and say 'baby!'

It was raining one day and I went and played in the rain. It was great fun! Thanks Granma and Da for my great rain outfit!

Mummy and I have so much fun together. She is going to stop working soon and I can't wait to have her at home every day!

A little while ago there was a special day at church and Daddy took me on the jumping castle. It was great fun!

Mummy takes me to mothers group on Fridays. Here are some of my friends Harry and William. We all loved the bubbles one of the other Mummy's brought one week.

We went up to see Granma and Da at the farm. It was my little cousin, Faith's 1st Birthday. My big cousin Carter is so much fun! I loved to follow him around and play with him.

Here is Faith at her birthday party. She had a good time.
Da took Carter and I on rides on the lawn mower.
Daddy did too.
Granma and Da got a new puppy named Jake. I loved to play with him!

Well, that's all I have to say for now. I will try and write again soon before our new baby comes along. How exciting!
Big hugs and kisses,

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