December 20, 2009

Lily and Jack - best friends

Cooking together.

Playing together.

Jack really looks up to Lily.

Jack gets upset when Lily gets off the swing. Lily gets upset when she can't go too high when Jack is on the swing!

Just hanging out watching t.v and sharing aftenoon tea.

Mummy is so very proud of her children.

Lily got dressed up as an angel to perform a song at church with the other kids a few Sundays ago. She was just gorgeous! We are not biased!!!

There she is on the left doing all the actions.....Daddy and Mummy were as proud as punch!

What a performer! (on the left)

Hmmmm, Jack i dunno about that hat - says Lily.

Lily and Jack even help Mummy with the housework together. They are inseparable really.
Lily likes to go in and see Jack when he gets up from his sleeps. She says "I love Jack", "he's my baby", "i love my brother".
Jack adores Lily and waves his arms about when she comes in view.
Lily and Jack
Best friends!

December 17, 2009

Happy first birthday, Jack!





Wow, Jack's first birthday already!!!

'This is my Granma'

We had a lovely little party at the summer house near where Nana and Pa live.

Jack had some friends there - Jenna, Holly and of course his big sister, Lily. Here they are playing pass the parcel.

It was a big day for Jack - "it's my party and I'll cry if i want too!"

Happy birthday to you, Jack! - Lily was so excited that it was Jack's birthday. She had been waiting to eat all the food! and play with the balloons!

Yummy cake!

It was a pool party. Jack loves the water! This is Holly with her mummy, Melody.

Jack was spoilt with lots of presents - thank you so much to our family and friends for these :)

Jack has really enjoyed playing with all his new toys and Lily has too. They are learning to share.

"Wow, Mummy! Look at all of these!"

This is Jack on his real birthday - 8th Dec, 09. He had a nice little picnic on the ground with some fairy bread, fruit and tiny teddies.

His friend, Scarlet came over for the picnic and her mummy, Sarah.


Mummy blew up 40 balloons for Jack and he and Lily thought this was awesome!

back to the party - yummy water melon!

Jack's thinking "i thought that was my present?!"

"Give it back, Lily!"

The kids are funny together. They play nicely at times and then other times not so nice. Lily up until now has had the upper hand being the eldest however, Jack is now getting his own back. He has figured out how to bite Lily - when he wants something. Oh dear! But they do also play together nicely. :)

We took the kids to the Glenbook fair recently and here is Lily, Jack and Daddy enjoying a Thomas the Tank Engine ride - they are on Clarabel. They both loved it.....i think Daddy did too!

Lily had her first pony ride at the fair. It was funny to watch her serious face as she rode the pony and the large helmet fall over her eyes and then get off and think it was great!

We have good fun at home together :)

Our pretty little girl!

Lily and Jack got their Christmas present early and here they are enjoying their new swing set!

"What do you want, Mummy?!"

Bubba Jack and Aunty Katy.

Faith, Lily's cousin is not too impressed with Lily's improper behaviour. Lily is such a little lady!

Our precious son...what a cutie!!!

Jack says "this is my Uncle Ben!"

Nudie rudie!!!

Love to all!

The McDonald Clan


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