May 6, 2008

Lily is 14 months old.

Hello everyone!

It's been a little while since I've written so thought I'd better send a blog out. Ive got some big news! Mummy and Daddy said that I am going to be a big sister! I'm not sure what that means but Mummy has started to get a little bump on her tummy and they said something about bringing home a baby around the end of November. Mummy and Daddy seem excited so I'm sure I will be too.

I've started to walk too! Decided I didn't like crawling all the time and thought I'd try something new! Mummy saw my first step and was very excited. Now I'm getting better and better each day. I still fall sometimes and go back to crawling but I think I will get better.

I love bath times! Daddy is so funny....see, he did my hair!

Opps! You saw me naked!

I like to carry around spoons these days. They are great to chew on! I also like to sing to the other little baby in my room. She looks just like me and I love to look at her. She copies me all the time! I love to climb too. Up and down the stairs. Up on the lounge. My favourite TV show is Sesame Street because I love Elmo. I really love watching Vege Tails too!

It gets cold up here. So Mummy rugged me up so I could help her hand out the washing.

Mummy and I have lots of fun together! Mummy says she loves my kisses. She wipes her face sometimes. I think I'm a bit sloppy! Daddy tickels me and makes my laugh! He's lots of fun too! We go to the park and play. I love being outside.

Daddy says we should be moving before the next blog comes out. I can't wait to have a new room and big house to play in. Mummy is looking forward to it too. I've been helping Mummy pack. She puts things in the box and I pull them out and sort them for her. Mummy says I'm a big help.

Big hugs and sloppy kisses to you all!

Love Lily


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