May 6, 2007

Lily Grace McDonald's 5th & 6th week, 26th April - 9th May

Hello, this is Lily again! Mummy let me use the computer seeing as I've been awake more now and like to play with Mummy and Daddy. I like to smile at them and I try to talk but only noises come out. I want to tell Mummy and Daddy that i love them. I think they know!

Daddy had to go to a course for work on Friday the 27th April so I went with Mummy and we said hello to some ladies Daddy used to work with. They were nice ladies. I even shared some of my vomit on one of the ladies shirts! We then went to Aunty Katie's house and Mummy had a big rest while I played with Aunty Katie. Mummy looked very tired that day so thank you Aunty Katie for helping me. I love you!

Daddy went back to work on Tuesday 1st May. I miss him when he's not home but I love to play with Mummy. We have done the washing together and cleaned the house. I'm a big help! I stay close to mummy in the baby harness. I like to be close to her. She smells pretty! I love when she gives me a bath and then she gives me a massage in front of a heater. It's so nice! We sometimes sit on the lounge and Mummy watches some TV while I take a nap on her tummy.

Daddy took Mummy and I away to a place called Gosford for 2 nights because he had to go to a conference there. It was a fun time! I met lots of new people that Daddy works with and they liked to look at me and give me cuddles. While Daddy was working I tried to help by making a few phone calls. All that talking made me feel thirsty so I had some water from Mummy's water bottle! Can you see the photo? I was sitting up too!

Mummy took me shopping in Gosford. It was the first time it was just her and I. I wasn't too happy though that day. I was very hungry and wanted to eat every 2 hrs so Mummy and I spent alot of time in the parents room. On the way back to see Daddy I was still very sad and crying alot. So much that I pooed all in the car seat. I think Mummy wanted to cry too but she didn't. When I saw Daddy I stopped crying and gave him a big smile! So, then Mummy cried instead. I gave her a big hug and made it all better!

On Thursday the 3rd May it was Pa's birthday so I called him up in PNG on the phone. Pa, the photos of me in the little turquoise/blue suit is my face when you were talking to me! I was very happy to hear your voice!

On the way to Gosford we stopped at Aunty Kirsty's place so Mummy could give me some milk. Aunty Katy was there too and she gave me, with Aunty Kirsty what they call 'Aunty kisses'. Can you see my face?! I'm not sure about this!

I had my first go on my play gym this week. It's so bright and I had fun! Daddy saw me roll myself over! Mummy was disappointed she missed it. I will show her again soon but I need to sleep for a bit to get strong enough to do it again.
I will write again soon.
Love Lily

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