January 13, 2009

The family of four!

Hello everyone,

We had our first Christmas as a family of four in Dec, 08. "They made me wear this and I don't like this hat!" says Jack.

"Wow! Look what Santa left at our house for Jack and I!" says Lily

"He also bought me a great bike!"

"Nana and Pa came to visit and I met them for the first time. They gave me lots of cuddles and kisses."

"My Aunty Katie had a sleep with me."

"I love my Mummy. She gives me milk. I am 3 weeks old in this photo."

"I love my baby brother. He is a bit heavy though."

"Mummy and I have lots of fun together. When Jack is sleeping we get to do things like play with play dough, draw, ride my bike, play with the ball, go for walks. When Jack is hungry and crying Mummy lets me watch TV. I love to watch Vege Tales, Sesame Street, ABC kids, Santa Clause movies and more! I love the TV but Mummy doesn't like me watching too much."
"After Christmas Mummy and Daddy took me to Katoomba. This is my Uncle Ben. He is fun to play with."

Lily says "It's been hot at home and so Mummy and Daddy let me run under the sprinkler. It is great fun! I am now 21 months old. Mummy tells me it will be my birthday soon."

Jack says, "Mummy gives me my baths. I am 3 a half weeks old here. I like bath time. It's been hot and I like to lay in the water. I would like to go out under the sprinkler with Lily but I get too tired after drinking my milk."

Beautiful Jack is almost 4 weeks old here (2/1/09).

"Ner ner! I am 4 weeks old now!"

Such little feet! Hard to believe Lily's were this small once.

"I have been helping Daddy," says Lily "outside in the yard. See I have my own truck and shovel. Daddy even let me put in some small rocks in the wall he was building."

"This is my Mummy. She takes good care of me. I love her. I am almost 5 weeks old here" says Jack.

Just lying around.

"I like to smile! I am almost 6 weeks old here (16/1/09)."

It has been alot of fun being a family of four. "Jack is a bit smelly and doesn't do much but I still love him and kiss him all the time. He is nice to cuggle (cuddle!)", says Lily. "Lily is very noisy," says Jack, "but I like it when she comes and says hello to me and makes me smile. I learnt to smile this week (5 weeks old) and I'm trying to talk too! Mummy and Daddy love to talk to me and see me smile. Oh and I love milk!"

Lily has been saying lots of different words and able to communicate with us better. She copies us and wants to help us with whatever we are doing. We are attempting to start potty training but think it will be a long journey. We will see. Jack has settled in nicely to our family. He is a great sleeper and has slept from 4 to 7 hours straight at night. He is changing so quickly. As is Lily.

Hope you enjoyed our story.

Love Roh, Amanda, Lily and Jack.

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