February 17, 2010

Lil Pill and Jack-a-lack!

Lil Pill and Jack-a-lack are one of the nick names we have for our beautiful children. They both love ice-cream....just like Mummy and Daddy!

'I think Mummy and Daddy put phenergan in this!'

We went on a picnic with Mummy's side of the family to celebrate Jan, Feb birthdays. Jack got very dirty in the park and so had a little bath in the sink. He only just fit!

Lily has many sides to her personality. Above she is trying to get a serious look. Below is certainly her cheeky side!

I love cake! - says Lily

Mummy and Jack. Jack has taken his first steps and is trying to walk more and gain better balancing skills. He wouldn't walk for Mummy for a while. Daddy, Granma and my friend Emma had seen him walk first!! He is full of personality and knows how to get what he wants. He cries when Lily takes toys off him. Making such a loud noise that it makes us believe Lily has done something to hurt him. Or like today he grabs his toy (it was a little ball) and crawls away as fast as he can before she gets it!!

Lily loves to laugh! She is very social and loves being with her friends. Here she is with her friend Amelia making popcorn. What a great Christmas present Aunty Katie! They thought is was hilarious watching the popcorn spit out!

And again Lily and Jack socialising with Amelia and Elijah. It's good to have play mates!

Lily started pre-school this year on Fridays. She just loves it! She hasn't cried once and wants to go each week. She loves playing with puzzles, being out in the sandpit which has a really cool house to play in and lots of toys, being on the climbing equipment, playing with her friends, painting and learning so many new skills and being independent.

She likes playing with play-doh. Here is a little creation she made. They both like sitting at their little table. Jack looks very proud when he climbs up on the chair!

It's a princess!

Lily likes princesses. She got this present for Christmas and loves to put make-up on her. She has requested Snow White on her Birthday cake this year....we will see what I can do, my love.
Hanging out with Daddy watching T.V and drinking milk.

Proud Mummy and Daddy. I, Mummy went back to work this year on Friday afternoons while Lily is at pre-school. Daddy works at home that day to look after Jack while I'm at work. I've loved being back at work getting back into using my skills as a nurse but also the social side is great. Roh has been working very hard at his job. Often long hours and lots of travelling. So, working at home Fridays has been great bonding time with the kids. Jack has been a real Mummy's boy but lately with the time he gets with Daddy he wants to go to him just as much. It's lovely.

Beautiful water babies! That poor duck always gets a good chomping on!

Lil's first day of pre-school! She was so excited! And did so well! She is doing really well with toilet training and pre-school has been a great help with that too. She is going to Uniting Kids Care which is a lovely Christian long day pre-school. Her best friend Caleb goes on the same day too. What a big girl....growing up so very fast! She is talking so well too. We are able to have conversations about her day (if she remembers what she did!) and she has such lovely manners. She keeps thanking me for cooking and thanking Daddy for going to work. How lovely! She is also very encouraging - repeating mine and Daddy's words when we go to the toilet 'Good girl Mummy. You have done a good job!'

After Christmas we went away to Tea Gardens with Rohan's family. It was a lovely time and the kids had a ball! Here is Jack enjoying playing outside. He is always pointing to go outside and gets upset if i say no. He loves the see-saw and sits on there singing 'see-saw, see-saw'. Both Roh and I love to watch both the kids enjoy new things and learn.

Here is Lily and her cousin, Faith playing in shaving cream. What a great idea Aunty Nel!

Cousins playing happily together!

Christmas was a nice time. We had Christmas day with the McDonald's and Boxing Day with the Petterson's. They now only live 20mins from each other. Here is Jack with Pa and Uncle Ben clapping.

Jack opening presents. What's this! My own vege-tails CD!!

Oh and the new cat! Aunty Katie got a new cat named Jeremiah. He came to visit Nana and Pa's at Christmas too! Lily and Jack almost smothered the poor thing while we were there. They were both so very excited chasing him around all the time. We just could not get Lily to put the cat down and Jack squealed with excitement chasing after his as fast as he could crawl!

Lily is good at opening presents. Often she helps Mummy and Daddy too and anyone else who looks away for a second! A Dr's kit from Nana and Pa. She calls herself 'Dr Feel Good!' It's so funny! She loves to play dress ups.

Opps! Jack has turned into a monkey!

Aunty Nel reading books to the girls.

Carter loves his baby cousin, Jack.
Aunty Treenie gave Lily this nurse dress up out fit....she looks just like Mummy when she goes to work!

The children are growing up so fast! We can't believe Lily will be 3 on the 29th March and Jack is just a beautiful little boy quickly growing up also. Oh and a wonderful thing is that they have both finally learned to sleep thru the night! Praise Jesus! Oh 2009 was a very tired year but we all feel quite refreshed now getting good nights sleeps. What a difference sleep can make!
A few more stories:
Lily loves to climb. I found her recently on the top of our Tv cabinet, she had done a wee all over the cabinet and been sticking stickers on the tv. Hmmm.....Mummy was not impressed!!!!
Jack and Lily like rugs. When we put one down they crawl/run all around laughing! It's very funny!
The 'I love you song' - Nana sang to Mummy when she was a little girl. Both Lily and Jack sing it at the end of their prayers. So precious!
Jack loves to copy our words and loves to sing and dance! When you put music on he wobbles around and stands up bouncing his leg up and down. He also likes to hum to music.
Lily has said to us recently she would like 2 baby brothers....hmmmm we will see! She loves babies. She will go up and look at them and then gently pat their face.
We are so very proud of Lily and Jack and hope you've enjoyed a few stories.
Love to all,
Amanda, Roh, Lily and Jack
xxxx oooo

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So great to enjoy the updates of your beautiful family :)

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