April 13, 2007

Lily Grace McDonald's second week 5th-11th April, 2007

Lily is now 2 weeks old and she is changing every day. She has been on many outings already. She had sleep overs at her Aunty Kate and Uncle Ross's house on the Easter weekend and had a lovely time with the Petterson family. Nana and Pa Petterson got to spend some time with her helping her eat, bath, changing nappies and give lots of cuddles and kisses before they flew out to Papau New Guinea for missionary service for 2 years. On Easter Monday Lily took her Nana and Pa to the airport and waved them goodbye. She was a bit upset to see them go but is very proud of them!

Happy Easter to everyone! The Easter Bunny visited Lily but she was quite happy to have milk so I helped her eat her Easter eggs.

Lily had her first bath at home with daddy and she loved it! She is like a little frog in the water the way she kicks her legs. It's very cute!

The community midwives have visited us at home and when they weighed her after being at home for 2 days she weighed 3.36kg. Since then she has put on 440 grams in 6 days! Now weighing 3.8kg and is doing very well. We are still feeding her by breast and with formula top ups. I have started on tablets called Motillian which are to increase my milk supply and seems to be slowly working. When the midwife was here Lily put on a good performance and showed off by showing how clever she is and started sucking her thumb. The midwife said she has never seen a newborn do that before and that she must have been doing it in utero. Doesn't she look cute in the photo?!

We have received lots of cards, presents, flowers and meals from people since being at home. Thank you so much to everyone for their lovely thoughts and gifts. We appreciate them and Lily loves them all!

Lily is a great sleeper and has given us the opportunity to have some nights of 4-5hours sleep. She of course has her unsettled times but we are really blessed as she is generally a very placid, content baby. We are learning more about her everyday and how to read her body language and her cries. It's great having Rohan at home still. He has another couple of weeks left off work and he has been a brilliant help! Thanks Roh!

As you can see from the photos Lily is a bit of a socialite and has visited many people or had them over to her place. She had a visit from Anfo, Melody and Jenna. She went to visit Aunty Katrina at St George hospital and the staff on 3North who i used to work with. Then she visited the staff at Nepean Hospital Operating Theatres staff where I work currently. She also went and thanked the lovely midwives in the delivery suite who so wonderfully welcomed her into the world. Lily went to visit Major and Mrs Banks too on the Thurs and then went on a big shopping outing where we registered her with medicare and sent off for her birth certificate. What a big week!

Till next time!
:) Love from Mummy Amanda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your pics and can't wait to see Lily grow. What a great idea to share your photos this way,
Thank You

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